To order Song of the New Earth click the following link: Song of the New Earth: Tom Kenyon and the Power of Sound Deluxe Edition
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CDs and MP3s
New Releases by Tom Kenyon!

The Tree of Life Sound Meditation Extended Version
Facilitates a deeper integration of spiritual light

Arcturian Anthology Companion MP3s
Meditations on this companion recording are for the sole purposes of self-elevation

Passage Into The Infinite Mind
Explore ancient Egyptian mythology as it intersects with modern in-depth human psychology

Passage Into the Devic and Angelic Realms
This recording was inspired by the Fukushima Sound Meditation

The Kalachakra of Chakrasamvara and Vajrayogini
This set of recordings is from a three-day Shamanic Buddhist Meditation

The Sphere of All Possibilities
This set of workshop recordings from a Hathor Intensive presents simple yet potent methods
Transformational Music and Sound Healing
Tom's Songs
Sound Healing Foundation
Acoustic Brain Research

delta (0.5 - 4 HZ). Associated with deep levels of relaxation such as sleep
theta (4 - 8HZ). Associated with tranquil states of awareness in which vivid internal imagery can often occur
alpha (8- 12 HZ). Relaxed nervous system, ideal for stress management, accelerated learning and mental imagery
beta (12-30 HZ). Associated with waking/alert states of awareness k-complex (30 - 35HZ). Clarity and sudden states of integration, the "ah-ha experience"
super high beta (35 - 150 HZ). Psychodynamic states of awareness
Relaxation & Stress Management
Soma incorporates imbedded “Bio-Pulses” into a calming ambient soundtrack. These subtle pulses of sound are designed to stimulate your brain to produce alpha and theta brainwave states, associated with deep relaxation, meditation and creative dream states.Click on the following link to see more: Soma
Deep Rest
Relax and Recharge with the Power of SoundLuxuriate, rest, and relax by just listening to this psychoacoustic program.
Click on the following link to see more: Deep Rest
Sound Bath
Created for hot tub or bathtub. Gently immerse yourself in the therapeutic comfort of the tub, then bathe yourself in the tranquility of music and sound, while harmonizing all these sensations with special breathing exercises (included). Helps you reach your fullest potential in relaxation and self-recovery!Click on the following link to see more: Sound Bath
Wave Form I
Gently “massages” your brain, helping you dissolve tensions and drift into relaxing states of awareness. Theta (7HZ)Click on the following link to see more: Wave Form I
Wave Form II
Based on an ancient mantra believed to be the sound of the inner heart, this tonal matrix gently “opens the heart” thereby raising consciousness to a purer state of awareness and harmony. Beautiful vocals with deep harmonic musical passages. Theta (7HZ)Click on the following link to see more: Wave Form II
Increased Mind/Brain Performance
Ambient Support
Over an hour of continuous ambient music with BioPulse™ in the mid-alpha range to support learning without anxiety while increasing motivation and retention. It was created specifically to aid learning and to increase productivity in the work environment while simultaneously decreasing stress. Mid-alpha (10Hz)Click on the following link to see more: Ambient Support
Creative Imaging
Listen to Enhance Creative Problem Solving to increase your intelligence, creativity, language and problem-solving abilities, as well as your measurable I.Q. This recording also includes methods to increase visualization abilities and a simple method to decrease the negative impact of stress.Click on the following link to see more: Creative Imaging
Mind Gymnastiks
ABR’s premiere mind/brain performance enhancer. Highly effective.Click on the following link to see more: Mind Gymnastiks
Self-Healing and Recovery
Freedom to Be (Freedom to Change)
Designed as a recovery program for alcoholism and drug addiction, this CD has been found to be very helpful with issues of Low Self-esteem, Self-sabotage, and Emotional Overwhelm. Theta.Click on the following link to see more: Freedom to Be (Freedom to Change)
Ultimate Brain
This collection is only available as a download purchase. It includes MP3 audio files from 8 CDs.Click on the following link to see more: Ultimate Brain
This widely acclaimed “self-healing” program helps you explore the body/mind connection to your natural self-healing abilities. Note: Not a substitute for medical treatment. Delta. Theta, Alpha (2-10HZ)Click on the following link to see more: Psycho-Immunology
Transformation Now!
This is an intense psychoacoustic catalyst that was originally developed under the auspices of Acoustic Brain Research (ABR) to assist in the psychotherapeutic process—specifically moving through emotional and/or cognitive blocks to psychological insight.Click on the following link to see more: Transformation Now!