
From a Tenth Dimensional Hathor, through Tom Kenyon’s amazing voice, these sounds come from a plane rarely experienced by humanity. They are a refuge of serenity and a springboard for creating.
CD Tracks:
Track 1 Aethos Sound Meditation
Track 2 The Aethos Heart Chakra Sound Meditation
Track 3 The Aethos Throat Chakra Sound Meditation
Track 4 The Aethos Third-eye Chakra Sound Meditation
Track 5 The Aethos Crown Chakra Sound Meditation
Track 6 The Aethos World Sound Meditation (Gaia’s Song)
Track 6 is the complete Song to Gaia sound meditation that appears in the documentary film about Tom’s work and life, called Song of the New Earth. The movie version is a only few minutes in length while Track 6 is the complete sound meditation and is over thirty minutes.
Click on the tracks below to listen to short samples:
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