The Golden Orb

A Taoist Healing Meditation
Th is remarkable CD is a vehicle through which you may enter into a very subtle and profoundly healing experience with the Tao (Dao). The Golden Orb is a deeply nourishing form of chi that would normally be reserved within the elite Inner Circles of Taoist practitioners and not shared with the public.
I believe this form of alchemy is so beneficial that it should be made available to everyone. I believe access to these treasures is our birthright.
The meditation itself creates the descent of most subtle chi in the form of a Golden Orb and then circulates its healing and nourishing chi throughout the body. When the vitality of our subtle bodies and organs are elevated, life takes on a refined and beautiful quality.
Track 1 Instructions 10:01
Track 2 Opening Chant to Kuan Yin 7:39
Track 3 Taoist Healing Meditation 39:00
Track 4 Closing Chant to Kuan Yin 2:16