Tom Kenyon Tours
Tom Kenyon Tours
The real secret behind a Tom Kenyon workshop is that you spend several days enveloped in a sound field created by Tom’s amazing voice. So, in addition to receiving information relative to whatever the subject of the workshop is—whether it’s Taoist, Buddhist, Hindu, or Egyptian—you are literally enveloped in a field of pure sound, generated through Tom’s voice, his intention, and his spiritual authority. This sound field alters consciousness and creates an environment in which remarkable transformation and healing can occur. The information—the knowledge, the wisdom—he imparts, satisfies the left brain’s need to “know,” and the sound field brings the right brain online—and that’s where the real magic happens.
So we took the format that changes lives in our workshops and applied it to travel to sacred sites.
In addition to the knowledge that Tom carries wherever we are, when we move through a country, the information that has been locked in that land for thousands of years fl ows to him. Deities whose names have long ago been forgotten, as well as the Deities of that particular region, or belief, whose names we do know, appear to Tom, bringing through Initiations and lost pieces of knowledge. Tourmas planted eons ago open, and the sounds come through that allow you to receive the benefit of that information. You are traveling to sacred sites enveloped in a sound field conducive to transformation and healing.
And, quite like the workshops, the sounds are deeply impacted by “who” travels with us. Your guides, your angels, the beings who work with you and want you to receive the highest level of Initiation and knowledge, literally press Tom to bring forward specific sounds you need to hear. So no two sound fields, in a workshop or a tour, have ever been, or ever will be, the same. They are greatly impacted by the location, the subject under study and the people sharing the space.
Tom’s teaching style works more with the intention behind a practice, or spiritual understanding, than it does with the dogma. He knows the dogma, and he can answer your questions about the dogma, but he does not adhere to the belief that practicing the dogma is as important as holding the intention that was the origin, or the source, of the practice. (The road taken is very interesting, but it is not as important as the destination reached.)
With Tom Kenyon and Judi Sion
February 2008
This is a call to planetary service through group alchemical work. Our goal is to introduce a harmonizing energetic into the world through spiritual means. We will work with both the Hathors and Mary Magdalen using unique earth-healing rituals and rare alchemical methods of transformation. We enter this work with a sober mind and deep intent. Through the energetic portals that the ancient temples of Egypt still hold open, we shall enter into a mental space that is outside-of-time-and-space to access lines of energy. Through the action of the Heirophant or spiritual magician we shall strive to balance negative Earthly karma for the benefit of all beings.
Part of this work will be spent in private group sessions with Tom and Judi, where we will work directly with the Hathors and Magdalen to assist us in our task. We begin our work on the New Moon and end it on the Full, a timing that is not accidental, but intentional. This is an invitation to those who desire to serve our collective destiny through an activation of spiritual potential and mastery. Those participating gain the opportunity to balance their own inner worlds while serving the greater good. This portends to be a life-changing experience.
When: February 8-23, 2008 (exact dates may vary)
Where: Egypt
Cost: Price will be in neighborhood of $7,000 (incl. air fare) Pre-registration: To apply for a position in this tour, send
a deposit of $500 US made payable to Tom Kenyon, PO Box 98, Orcas, WA 98280. You will be sent a questionnaire
and further information about the tour. If you are accepted, your deposit becomes non-refundable and nontransferable.
If you are not accepted for the tour, you will be sent a refund check.
May 2008
Join us for an extraordinary journey into the mysteries of spiritual alchemy as we explore some of the major Magdalen sites in Southern France, including Maries de la Mer, St. Baume, Rennes le Chateau, Montsegur and Queribus. Many of these areas are still energetically alive and thus highly supportive of internal forms of work.
In our private group sessions, we will work with Mary Magdalen as she guides us into an exploration of the highly potent and transformative practices of internal alchemy. Participants will leave with a working understanding of alchemical practice and how to integrate this into their own spiritual path. This work will be facilitated by Tom’s nearly four-octave range voice as he channels the catalytic energy of Magdalen’s presence.
Working with Magdalen in such a setting is both remarkable and demanding from a spiritual growth perspective. Only those desirous of deep transformation should consider attending. Group size is limited.
When: May 10-22, 2008 (dates may vary)
Where: Southern France
Cost: This event will be priced in Euros, not US dollars. The price will be around 3,600 Euros (depending upon hotel prices in 2008). This price does not include airfare. As this Calendar goes to press, the current US-Euro conversion for
this tour is $4,600 USD, but may go up or down before the actual tour takes place.
Pre-registration: To apply for a position in this tour, send a deposit of $500 US, made payable to Tom Kenyon, PO Box
98, Orcas, WA 98280. You will be sent a questionnaire and further information about the tour. If you are accepted,
your deposit becomes non-refundable and non-transferable. If you are not accepted for the tour, you will be sent a
refund check.