The Aetherium

©2016 Judi Sion All Rights Reserved
The Aetherium is a sound meditation that imparts deeply nourishing and “healing” energies into your body/mind system. By the word “healing” I am referring to a sense of harmony and balance at the cellular level that arises out of the complex sound codes that make up The Aetherium.
Note: The Aetherium is a form of body/mind/re-education. It is not a medical treatment and should not be used as such. If you are suffering from the symptoms of an illness consult with a health professional.
For a deeper understanding of this sound meditation’s origins, I suggest you read the complete Hathor Planetary Message, The Aetherium, as it contains fascinating and vital information about this unique sonic ally.
If you prefer, however, to just jump into listening, there are two suggested ways to do so.
Passive Listening
There may be some days when you are so stressed, depleted and exhausted that you are unable to hold a mental focus. At these times simply listen to the sounds. When your mind wanders, simply bring your relaxed focus back to the music. There is nothing else to do in this form of listening
Focused Listening
In this method your focus is on your physical body while you listen to the sounds. This way of listening will produce the greatest effects, in that subtle energy follows awareness.
If you rest your awareness in the physical body while listening to The Aetherium, the subtle energies of calmness, nurturing and healing will enter more deeply into your physiology and into the cells of your body.
For those of you who are aware of your inner realities you may notice complex geometries swirling within your body. Allow these to move according to their own volition. They have awareness and intelligence. Some of these fields of moving energy will be counter-rotating, and there may be many patterns of rotating energies moving through your body while listening. This phenomenon is a signature of deep transformation. Allow these patterns of rotating energy to emerge and move according to their own will, without intervention. It is possible to extend your listening time by simply repeating the sound pattern. For those of you prepared to enter into a deeper state of transformation this will be a very effective way to work with The Aetherium.
Click here to listen to and/or download The Aetherium