Hathor Sounds
MP3s from Hathor Material Companion CD1

If you prefer to listen to the sound meditations as they were presented during the workshops or Intensives, listening suggestions appear after the title of each track.
Track 1 Central Pillar Sound Exploration (9:00 mins)
Place your focus of attention in your pranic tube, which runs straight through the center of your body from the crown of your head to your perineum (a point which is located midway between your anus and genitals).
Track 2 Heart Chakra Sound Exploration (8:51 mins)
Your focus of attention is in your heart chakra, located in the center of your chest and beneath your sternum.
Track 3 Spinal Column Sound Exploration (8:02 mins)
Place your focus of attention on the full length of your spine.
Track 4 Pituitary Sound Exploration (8:13 mins)
Your focus of attention is in the area of your pituitary gland (the Master Regulator of your endocrine system). This gland sits directly opposite the bridge of your nose and in the center of your skull. Some people find it easier to focus their attention about an inch (2cm+) behind the bridge of the nose. While this is not the actual physical location of the pituitary gland, according to the Hathors it is well within the energetic field of the pituitary and works just as well as a focus of attention for this meditation.
Track 5 Crown Chakra Sound Exploration (6:18 mins)
Place your focus attention at the crown, which is located at the top of your head.
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