Events: 2007 – 2008XXX
Amsterdam, Holland September 8
Explorations: A Day with Tom Kenyon and Judi Sion:
Berlin, Germany Oct. 12 -14
The Creatrix Contact:
Bavaria, Germany Oct. 19 -21
The Creatrix Contact:
Saltzburg, Austria Oct. 26- 28
The Creatrix Contact:
Zurich, near airport, Switzerland Nov. 2-4
The Creatrix Contact:
Budapest, Hungary Nov. 11
Explorum Contact:
Malaga, Spain Nov. 24-25
The Creatrix Contact: or or go to:
With Tom Kenyon and Judi Sion
February 2008
This is a call to planetary service through group alchemical work. Our goal is to introduce a harmonizing energetic into the world through spiritual means. We will work with both the Hathors and Mary Magdalen using unique earth-healing rituals and rare alchemical methods of transformation. We enter this work with a sober mind and deep intent. Through the energetic portals that the ancient temples of Egypt still hold open, we shall enter into a mental space that is outside-of-time-and-space to access lines of energy. Through the action of the Heirophant or spiritual magician we shall strive to balance negative Earthly karma for the benefit of all beings.
Part of this work will be spent in private group sessions with Tom and Judi, where we will work directly with the Hathors and Magdalen to assist us in our task. We begin our work on the New Moon and end it on the Full, a timing that is not accidental, but intentional. This is an invitation to those who desire to serve our collective destiny through an activation of spiritual potential and mastery. Those participating gain the opportunity to balance their own inner worlds while serving the greater good. This portends to be a life-changing experience.
When: February 8-23, 2008 (exact dates may vary)
Where: Egypt
Cost: Price will be in neighborhood of $7,000 (incl. air fare) Pre-registration: To apply for a position in this tour, send
a deposit of $500 US made payable to Tom Kenyon, PO Box 98, Orcas, WA 98280. You will be sent a questionnaire
and further information about the tour. If you are accepted, your deposit becomes non-refundable and nontransferable.
If you are not accepted for the tour, you will be sent a refund check.
May 2008
Join us for an extraordinary journey into the mysteries of spiritual alchemy as we explore some of the major Magdalen sites in Southern France, including Maries de la Mer, St. Baume, Rennes le Chateau, Montsegur and Queribus. Many of these areas are still energetically alive and thus highly supportive of internal forms of work.
In our private group sessions, we will work with Mary Magdalen as she guides us into an exploration of the highly potent and transformative practices of internal alchemy. Participants will leave with a working understanding of alchemical practice and how to integrate this into their own spiritual path. This work will be facilitated by Tom’s nearly four-octave range voice as he channels the catalytic energy of Magdalen’s presence.
Working with Magdalen in such a setting is both remarkable and demanding from a spiritual growth perspective. Only those desirous of deep transformation should consider attending. Group size is limited.
When: May 10-22, 2008 (dates may vary)
Where: Southern France
Cost: This event will be priced in Euros, not US dollars. The price will be around 3,600 Euros (depending upon hotel prices in 2008). This price does not include airfare. As this Calendar goes to press, the current US-Euro conversion for
this tour is $4,600 USD, but may go up or down before the actual tour takes place.
Pre-registration: To apply for a position in this tour, send a deposit of $500 US, made payable to Tom Kenyon, PO Box
98, Orcas, WA 98280. You will be sent a questionnaire and further information about the tour. If you are accepted,
your deposit becomes non-refundable and non-transferable. If you are not accepted for the tour, you will be sent a
refund check.
As many of you know, we went to Tibet this year, on behalf of the Sound Healing Foundation, to capture the “first ever” field recordings of nuns chanting in Tibet. In addition to recording the chants, we also filmed and recorded ceremonies rarely viewed by Westerners, including rare footage of ceremonies at Nechung and Drepung monasteries. Our intention is to archive this footage, eventually making it available on DVD as funds allow.
Our Tibet group also immersed itself in much dharma work by giving money to several nunneries and to many individual nuns directly. We delivered fleece to grateful nuns in Gyantse and Lhasa. We also helped a 90 year-old healing lama, named Yobsang Rinpoche, with emergency medical treatments and our group raised funds to pay off a loan for a facility at his monastery where nomads can now stay while being treated in traditional medicine. We covered the medical costs for an elder Ani La to have eye surgery and other treatments she required. And we located 15 nuns, still living in caves at Drak Yurpa and gave each of them funds. Just being in their presence was a life-altering experience. Their faces deeply etched with the hills and valleys of life and harsh conditions, they are probably some of the last real yoginis, spending their days and nights in meditation in tiny crevices in the side of the mountain.
Thanks to our entire Tibetan group, the recordings are exceptional and capture the spiritual potency of the original ceremonies. We will be working on these recordings throughout the winter with the intention of releasing the first two CDs of the series this spring.
To those of you who heard the call and gave so generously so that we could give so openly to so many in Tibet this time, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Ceremonial events are planned in honor of releasing the first CD in Seattle, San Francisco and New York. These events will be free and open to the public. Watch the website or contact the Foundation website at for details. The Foundation also continues to manage two Earth-Healing Sound temples, one in New Mexico and the other in Costa Rica. Although these are low maintenance sites, the Foundation does have plans to expand their activities when funds allow and we invite your donations to the general fund for such application.
Donations to the Foundation are tax-deductible for US Citizens. If you would like to support the on-going work of the Foundation, you can send your gifts to The Sound Healing Foundation, PO Box 220, Orcas, WA 98280. You can reach the Foundation via email at
*Alchemical School Note
Several years ago Tom made an agreement to teach everything he knows about internal alchemy, specifically the alchemies of spiritual transformation. These include certain aspects of Tibetan Buddhism, Taoism, Siddhas Yoga, Egyptian Alchemy and esoteric Christianity. As a student of these systems for over thirty years, and as a former brain researcher and psychotherapist, he is well suited to present these transformational practices within a Western and scientific context. To this end, he created the Alchemical School. It has no beginning. It has no end. It has no teacher’s certification, no application, no acceptance and no refusal. One simply takes the classes that one is interested in.
For a more in-depth explanation of the School, there is an article on the web site.
*Payment and Refunds (short version)
All pre-registration deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable for any reason. We do not take credit cards for workshops, but we do take checks, traveler’s checks, credit card checks and money orders. Final payment may be made at any time and shortens registration time, or you may pay the balance at the door in cash, check, traveler’s check, credit card check, or money order. We cannot hold workshop space from email or telephone.
You’re only registered when you send a deposit. A Confirmation letter with all pertinent details will be mailed when we receive your deposit. Workshop prices do not include lodging or food. For full details on our policies, see the long version below.
*Payment and Refund Policy (long version)
To register for an event, send a check or money order, traveler’s check, credit card check or cashier’s check payable to Tom Kenyon, mailed to PO Box 98, Orcas, WA 98280. All pre-registration deposits are non-refundable for any and all reasons. If a workshop
is already full when we receive your deposit, your check will be returned.
Workshop prices do not include food or lodging. Your Confirmation Letter will give all pertinent instructions necessary to handle that separately. Hotel contact information, hotel group discounts, directions and all pertinent information will be included in your Confirmation Letter.
We do not take credit cards for workshops. We accept checks, money orders, traveler’s checks, credit card checks, and cashier’s checks for pre-registration and for final full payment for all events.
You may send a pre-registration deposit to hold your space and pay the balance at the door during final registration. If you prepay the full amount of the workshop, the final onsite registration process will be significantly quicker.
If you send a pre-registration deposit only, please be advised that we accept cash, traveler’s checks or money orders for final payment at events. (We do not accept credit cards for workshops or tours, but we do accept credit card checks, which you can obtain from your financial institution.)
Please do not mail cash for deposits, as we cannot be responsible for receipt of cash.
We accept Canadian checks made payable in US currency, but checks from other countries are not accepted by our bank. We accept international money orders from other countries and International Cashier’s checks, payable in US funds, but our bank will not negotiate checks from outside the US, except Canada. We apologize for the narrowness of American banking, but we cannot negotiate checks unless they are on an American bank or a Canadian bank made payable in US funds. We are glad to give you wire transfer instructions, should you choose to use this method. Please contact our office for very specific instructions.
Your pre-registration deposit guarantees you a place at the event. You are not registered for an event until we actually receive your pre-registration deposit. We do not hold space at a workshop based on email or telephone notice of your intention to attend.
After we receive your pre-registration deposit, we will send you a Confirmation Letter with all pertinent details. These letters are not written until we have all details resolved, including hotel info, including any potential hotel discounts, directions, workshop hours, phone numbers, shuttle information, etc. So do not expect to receive this letter right away if you are registering months ahead of a workshop. If you have not received a Confirmation Letter 30 days prior to an event, by all means, contact our office to determine your status.
If an event is full when we receive your deposit, we will return your funds immediately, or we will contact you immediately to ask if you want to be placed on the waiting list. If you choose to be placed on a waiting list, we will hold your check until a space opens and you are admitted. Only when we are able to guarantee you a space will we deposit a check being held for the waiting list. If space does not open within a reasonable period of time, or if you contact us and request removal from the waiting list, your check will be returned.
Once you send a pre-registration deposit for a workshop or tour, you have committed yourself to that event. All deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable for any and all reasons. In other words, be committed and responsible when you pre-register.
If, for some reason, a class or tour is cancelled, you will be sent a full refund.
Final registration occurs onsite prior to the start of the workshop. Your Confirmation Letter will indicate the times of final registration. Please plan your arrival to assure you have time for final registration.
Some of our workshops end at 3 pm on the final day and some end at 4 pm. This will be clarified in your Confirmation Letter. We encourage you to plan your departure so that you do not have to miss the final sound meditation.
Communication with the Tom Kenyon office is best handled via email at We will do our best to return phone calls as soon as possible, but email will usually get the quickest response. If you are trying to communicate with us during a workshop or when we are teaching ourside the US, please be advised that our office functions under the protocols of treage, meaning the most critical issues receive our attention first. We cannot be as responsive during a workshop or tour, or when we are traveling.
We hope this clarifies our registration process and refund policy.