Archives Calendar
The White Pearl: A Healing Retreat
Orcas Island, Washington
March 19 – 22, 2009
Join us for a deeply nourishing and rejuvenating experience as we enter into the mystery and the art of Taoist Alchemy.
In this four-day intensive, we will explore a potent form of Inner Alchemy called The White Pearl, which deeply nourishes and rejuvenates the vital organs of the physical body.
We will also learn how to transform subtle chi generated from this method into the Three Elixirs, which, in turn, impart another level of healing to the physical body and refines awareness so that one can enter into the realms of shen (spirit and most subtle chi).
Participants will leave with an understanding of how to continue this work on their own as a means both to increase life force and to refine awareness.
This is a highly experiential training. No experience with Taoist meditation is required, but experience with meditation, in general, is encouraged.
Due to the small size of the venue and the popularity of this training, early registration is strongly advised.
Where: Orcas Island, Washington. This training is being held on Orcas Island where the milieu of sea, cliffs, eagles, and wild life is magical and healing, in and of itself. The island is specifically chosen for its own potent chi and is a perfect location for both Taoist work and the Siddhis.
When: March 19 – 22, 2009
Cost: $795
Pre-registration: We require a larger deposit for Orcas events due to the fact that workshop space is limited. To hold your place in this Retreat, send a $300 non-refundable, non-transferable deposit made payable to Tom Kenyon, PO Box 98, Orcas, WA 98280. (Cancellations received 45 days prior to the workshop may receive a 50% deposit return on Orcas events only. No refunds on deposits are given within 45 days of this workshop.)
Contact: or 360-376-5781
The Great Triad: A Hathor Intensive
Seattle, Washington
April 3 – 5, 2009 (beginning at 2 pm, Friday, April 3)
This weekend Intensive will focus upon an energetic triad in our subtle energy bodies (the KA), as well as its external representation in the three Hathor sound temples that have been physically constructed and anchored in New Mexico, Costa Rica and Nepal.
The Great Triad consists of the solar plexus (power), the heart (compassion), and the thousand-petaled lotus at the crown center (illumination). If you overlay the Egyptian alchemical mythos, the temple of power in Belen can be associated with Osiris; the temple of compassion (Costa Rica) can be associated with Isis; and the temple of illumination (Nepal) can be associated Horus, the hawk-headed god, and the son of Isis and Osiris. The symbolic union of hawk and man denotes the spiritual ability to fly through the higher realms of consciousness and bring back to earth the treasures of an enlightened mind, which is the goal of this intensive.
From the Egyptian alchemical perspective, our civilization is passing through the Initiation of the Anmit, a guardian protector that guards the secret passage through the heart and symbolizes the joining of power with compassion.
If humanity is to survive this collective Initiation, we must find a way to use power compassionately with ourselves, with each other, and with the earth. We must also link this to our higher-minds (the interdimensional aspects of our consciousness) that lie outside the constraints of perceived time and space. And we must bring into our lives new ways of thinking and being that can be discovered in the transcendent aspects of our being. Those of us who undertake this work must not remain in the transcendent aspects of ourselves no matter how blissful and appealing these states of mind may be. We must bring the treasures and insights of these realms down to earth and change how we live. Likewise, dwelling in the lower centers, without incorporation of the heart and upper centers leads to imbalance and misuse of power. Balance and mastery of our own triad is the goal of this workshop.
During the Intensive, we will work with the catalytic sounds of the Hathors through Tom Kenyon’s nearly four-octave range voice to activate and link our three centers of power, compassion and illumination. We will do this internally within our own KA bodies, and we will do this planetarily by linking with the energetic portals of the three Hathor temples in New Mexico, Costa Rica and Nepal. Thus, this work is both for ourselves and for humanity. This will be a deeply inspirational and life changing energetic created to assist each of us, and humanity, through the Initiation of the Anmit that we are now facing.
When: April 3 -5, 2009 (starts at 2 pm, Friday, April 3)
Where: Seattle, Washington
Cost: $395 if registration is received in our office by March 15, 2009. If we have not received a pre-registration in our office by March 15, the workshop price is $545 for anyone registering after that date. (Note: Deposits are non-transferable and non-refundable.)
Pre-registration: To pre-register, send a $150 non-refundable and non-transferable deposit, made payable to Tom Kenyon, PO Box 98, Orcas, WA 98280. Note: to receive the $395 price, we must receive your deposit no later than March 15th. $545 for registrations received after March 15.
Aug. 30–Sept. 3
Seattle, WA
This five-day Intensive is Tom’s most comprehensive Training in the art and science of Sound Healing. Learn how to use your own voice to facilitate healing and transformation in yourself and others. No musical ability or experience with Sound Healing is required, yet those already working in the field of Sound Healing will find this Training to be comprehensive and deeply rewarding. This is a hands-on experience, in that participants will have many opportunities to explore the methods and techniques of Sound Healing in the course of the workshop.
As part of the Training, Tom will discuss the neurophysiology and neuropsychology of sound as they apply to healing and transformation. Tom is well known for his ability to present complex scientific concepts in an entertaining and easy-to-understand manner.
Tom will also create group sound sessions whereby participants can explore the spiritual and mystical aspects of sound work. This bridging of the scientific and the mystical makes this Training a particularly enriching and empowering experience.
This is not an intellectually dry or theoretical training, but rather a rich experiential journey into the healing and transformational powers of sound. Participants will receive a Certificate upon completion of the course.
Location: Seattle, WA
Cost: $695 (Former students repeating this course pay $545. If you have taken the five-day course from Tom previously, you can repeat the class at a savings of $150. Upon sending in your deposit, you must give the date and location of the Sound Healing Training you attended.) Pre-registration: To hold a place in this workshop, send a deposit for $150 made payable to Tom Kenyon, PO Box 98, Orcas, WA 98280. (Note: Deposits are non-transferable and non-refundable.) Contact: Email: or call: 360-376-5781
A Hathor Intensive with Tom Kenyon
July 6–8
Seattle, Washington
In this powerful transformational Intensive, we will explore both the science and the art of self-creation. The scientific foundation for this work comes from recent breakthroughs in both quantum physics and brain research, and we will explore this fascinating and thought-provoking body of knowledge as part of the workshop.
A fundamental concept of the Creatrix is that our outer life (the life we lead) is actually a result of two interactions—interactions with the outside world and interactions that occur within our inner worlds of the brain/body/mind. The focus of the Creatrix is on our inner worlds, as the root of the Tree that is our outer life.
The Creatrix training merges ancient spiritual knowledge with science. In other words, the art of creation becomes grounded in science. Thus, in addition to the spiritual perspective, we will look at self-creation from both the neurological point of view—what happens in the brain when we create—as well as what occurs at a quantum level—the level where subatomic particles are affected by how we think and feel. This union of science and spiritual understanding makes the Creatrix a particularly powerful experience.
For instance, the brain sciences have revealed that we continuously create, destroy, or sustain neurological networks (patterns) in our brains through our thought, action and feeling—how we think, how we act, and what emotions (feelings) we perpetuate in our inner world. In other words, we are not static beings. Even if we feel blocked in some area of our life, we are—in reality—continually re-creating the brain activity responsible for that feeling and perception of being blocked.
The goal in this work is nothing less than to gain the insights, knowledge and methods that will allow you to create new neurological realities for yourself—thereby altering your destiny. While this concept may be new to some, it basically says that when you alter a neurological reality in your brain, you are, to some extent, re-creating yourself as well as your destiny. By consciously shaping your own brain activity, you become a conscious co-creator of your life.
An important aspect to this type of transformational work is the ability to self-generate highly coherent emotional states such as appreciation, gratitude and bliss, and to enter into multi-dimensional states of mind. Although multi-dimensional awareness must usually be learned, it is an inherent human ability that increases creativity and intelligence. One aspect of this multidimensionality is the ability to observe our selves, an ability sometimes called the Witness. By cultivating this ability in specific ways, we can affect quantum events within our own brains and minds, thus building creative neurological networks that make us more resourceful. At an expanded level, the same ability to affect quantum fields within us can, under certain conditions, affect quantum events in the outer world as well. This understanding of quantum field effects is one of the fundamental concepts of the Creatrix.
Our work during the Intensive will be greatly facilitated through the use of catalytic sound. Using his nearly four-octave range voice, Tom will channel a multi-dimensional intelligence known as the Hathors at critical junctures during the workshop. These sound sessions radically alter awareness and accelerate the integrative process.
When: July 6-8, 2007 (three full days, beginning at 10am Friday morning, ending Sunday, 4pm)
Cost: $445
Pre-registration: To hold a place in this workshop, send a deposit for $150 made payable to Tom Kenyon, PO Box 98, Orcas, WA 98280. (Note: Deposits are non-transferable and non-refundable.) Contact: Email: or call: 360-376-5781
The Second Annual Magdalene Gathering
Extending Mari’s Matrix
July 27-29
Norwalk, Connecticut
Dolce Conference Center
For those who feel called to join us, we invite you into the matrix of the Magdalene mysteries….
We will explore her spiritual legacy as a tapestry of experience weaved by her garden of attraction, her imprints in southern France, her link to Egyptian light body teachings, and her union with the dance of love.
We will work with Magdalene’s extraordinary ability to reach in and touch the deepest chambers of our hearts and transmit codes of ancient knowledge and healing, for those who are ready at this time.
We invite you to be part of a collective energy that will anchor a light-filled vibration as a gateway to raising human consciousness in these turbulent and shifting times.
Tom Kenyon and Judi Sion
Magdalen’s Alchemy through Sound Healing
Ani Williams
Music and Teachings from Magdalene’s Garden
William Henry
Mary Magdalene — The Illuminator
Gloria Amendola
Magdalene’s Legend in the South of France
WHERE: Dolce Conference Center — Norwalk, Connecticut
WHEN: July 27-29, 2007
$395* (Before June 27, 2007)
$425* (After June 27, 2007)
*This cost does NOT include overnight accommodations but does include meals.
For more information or to register for this event,
please contact Gloria Amendola
at 203.876.9936 or,
or send payment to:
P.O. Box 762, Stratford, CT 06614
May 11–15
San Francisco, CA
Tom will be a keynote speaker at this event, which will draw Sound Healers and related professionals from around the world as well as interested laypersons. The topic of his talk will be The Sound of Healing, which will include a group sound healing experience. In addition, he will be facilitating a one-day post-Conference workshop, entitled The Journey, which will explore shamanic journeying from the Sound Healing, Shamanic and Psychological perspectives. It is open to those attending the Conference as well as those who only wish to attend the one-day seminar. Although this is only a one-day workshop, it promises to be a highly informative and transformational experience.
When: Conference, May 11- 14, 2007 (Tom keynotes Friday, May 11 at 3:30 pm).
The Journey (one-day workshop with Tom) May 15, 10am–6pm
Where: San Francisco,California Contact: Globe Institute, Tel: (415) 777-2486
Registration: WSHC/registerattendee.html
Note: This event is not being handled by our office. Please contact the organizer for further information and to register for the Conference and/or the one-day.
A TANTRIC ALCHEMICAL RETREATWorkshop Full. For waiting list instructions, please
email the office.March 1–4
Orcas, Washington
This is an in-depth training in the fundamentals and esoteric (hidden) practices of Tantric Buddhist Alchemy. This is not an intellectual experience, but rather a deeply transformational event and curiosity seekers are discouraged from attending. As this calendar goes to press, there are a few places left in this workshop. Early registration is strongly advised.
Cost: $645
Pre-registration: To hold a place in this workshop, send a deposit for $150 made payable to Tom Kenyon, PO Box 98, Orcas, WA 98280. (Note: Deposits are non-transferable and non-refundable.) Contact: Email: or call: 360-376-5781
Judi Sion & Tom Kenyon
April 6–8
Seattle, Washington
In this intensive we will enter deeply into the mystery of the foundry and it’s relationship to light and darkness. Working with Tom through his voice and teaching, and with Judi through oils and ritual, Mary Magdalen will help each person shift what was their first entry into the darkness of self-forgetting into an entry into the light of self-awareness.
The transformation of darkness into light requires a visit to the alchemical foundry, to melt down a lifetime of forgetting and to forge a new light. The foundry is an entry into darkness, which contains both the darkness of self-forgetting, unconsciousness, the avoidance of awareness; and the darkness of new creation, the void, the womb of new things. Both types of darkness are to be found within the foundry, and both are required to complete the light.
To heighten this process, Magdalen will perform high alchemy and, essentially, increase the amplitude—the strength—of the light of self-awareness, the light that awakens one from the slumber of self-hypnosis. Beyond that initial level of light, she will work with an even deeper level, the luminous light of consciousness itself. These are the worlds of the high etheric realms, which extend into the lower vibratory fields, even into matter itself. (Indeed, the secret held within matter is that its nature is light.)
This is work with Mary Magdalen, a master teacher, a manifesting Goddess, in that she has the power to effect material reality. Her understanding of the mysteries comes from the Temples of Isis in ancient Egypt and beyond. In our experience of working with her as teacher, she is unparalleled.
“For those in relationship with another person, this is a massive alchemical transformation. This transformation spells freedom in the relationship in ways that cannot be imagined or fathomed. New life is breathed into the very roots of the relationship itself. For those who are not in relationship, this transformation results in a new sense of freedom— unfettered, unconstrained, bypassing all limitation.
“For those who are not in relationship with another person, new life is breathed into life itself. In other words, personal history is transcended and transformed through the elevation and expansion of self-awareness.
“The light is not complete until it is joined with the darkness—the void, the womb of creation. Only when this occurs is the light complete, for the birthing of the light is from the dark. And to enter into the mystery of the light without entering into the mystery of the dark is folly. And so we shall wed the two together and from the joining of the two— symbolically represented by the sun and the moon, man and woman—a new life is born.
“I believe that life will increasingly feel like a foundry in the unfolding years, whether one is in relationship or not. If you understand the alchemical principles of how unconsciousness gives birth to consciousness and how the void gives birth to the light, you will be better prepared to take advantage of the transformational potential of the foundry. And whether the foundry is created through relationship or through the pressures of life in these times is immaterial. The heat is being turned up on Planet Earth. So my hope in this workshop, if you agree to join me, is to teach the principles and the understanding of how unconsciousness becomes self-awareness—consciousness; and how the void—the darkness within—gives birth to the light. For you cannot embrace the light without embracing the darkness.
“This is a wondrous journey we shall take together. I only ask that those willing to face their deepest darkness consider attending this. We shall fly into the heights by sweeping into the depths. I invite you to join us.” —Mary Magdalen
When: April 6-8, 2007 (workshop begins 7 pm Friday night, ending Sunday at 4 pm)
Where: Seattle, WA
Cost: $395
If you are called to join us in person, there is plenty of space, so you do not need to worry about the workshop being full. We have a huge hotel near the Seattle Airport, with a free shuttle, so no rental car is necessary. Their suites are $94 a night for those attending the workshop, and they allow up to 4 in a room for that same rate. This rate is excellent, as this room usually rents for $189 a night.
Pre-registration: A non-refundable/non-transferable deposit of $150 holds your space. You may prepay the entire amount of $395 or you may send the deposit and pay the balance at the door. We do not take credit cards for workshops, but we do accept checks, credit card checks, traveler’s checks, cash, and money orders. Checks are payable to Tom Kenyon, PO Box 98, Orcas, WA 98280.
Further information: please email or call 360-376-5781. When we receive your deposit, we will immediately send you a Confirmation Letter with all pertinent details, such as hotel contact, directions, etc.
Note: Registration begins at 5 pm on Friday night, April 6, and the workshop begins at 7 pm. Saturday hours are 10-6 and Sunday is 10-4, with the workshop ending at 4.
*Please be advised that if you are chemically sensitive to oils or incense, this workshop will not be appropriate for you. Part of Magdalen’s work after her time with Yeshua was teaching how to use essential oils to enhance ascension, and we will be using oils throughout this workshop.