A Sound Meditation for the Children of Earth
The purpose of this sound meditation is to impart “spiritual resources” to future generations of children who will be incarnating on Earth.
The basic instructions on how to engage this meditation are presented below. But I strongly urge you to read the complete Hathor message entitled A Song of Highest Destiny for the Children of Earth. This rather short message provides an important context for the nature of this unique meditation.
The Basic Instructions
(Excerpted from the Hathor message)
Let your awareness rest in your heart chakra (in the center of your chest) and imagine—in whatever ways feel natural to you—that all future generations of children born on this Earth are in front of you. This will be a very large number of beings, indeed. Many of them will be from different cultural realities and races than your own. Simply embrace them in your awareness. This is the first step: to simply be aware of them in your vivid imagination.
The next step is to add a harmonic that will help sustain them in the future unfoldment of their lives. Send them feelings of courage, comfort and appreciation (if not gratitude) for the great task they will be undertaking by incarnating into a world that is in such flux and transformation.
Some of you may find yourselves, from time to time, being overcome by feelings of fear, despair, sorrow and other emotions related to your own trepidations regarding the future. If such feelings arise in you, disconnect from holding the image of Earth’s future children in front of you. Rather focus on your heart chakra and allow the sound codes to transform your own pain and anxiety around the future. Simply be with the sound codes and let the feelings that arise be there without changing those emotions in any way. Eventually the union of your awareness and your emotional pain along with the energetics of the sound codes will transform those feelings and create a different emotional space for you. You may need to work with the sound codes in this way several times and on multiple occasions to “clear” your own negative impressions regarding the future.
Do not work with the sound meditation as a means to send positive intent to future generations until you are emotionally clear.
It is vital to understand that you need to attain a certain degree of spiritual mastery in order to hold the vibrational field that is necessary to impart positive intent. Make sure you can hold this level of positivity for the duration of the sound meditation.
If you find yourself unable to hold this positive vibratory field in your emotional reality, work with the sound codes for the sole purpose of self-clearing as described above. Make this the focus of your meditation rather than the sending of positive intent to future generations. When you have cleared enough emotional material to hold a positive space for the duration of the meditation, then feel free to engage it for the benefit of future generations.
Click here to read the complete Hathor message, A Song of Highest Destiny for the Children of Earth.
Click here to listen to and/or download the sound meditation.