Tom Kenyon’s 2015 Teaching Schedule
I am not a guru.
I do not believe solely in the abstract nature of things,
But rather I also believe in the lightning rod of direct experience as an indispensable midwife to wisdom.
During the Work, I temporarily become a Ghandarva, a Celestial Musician, who uses sound and music to open doorways for others to enter into and explore their own inner worlds.
Tom Kenyon
There is nothing in the world like being in the room, live, with Tom’s voice. The information he shares is illuminating, easy to grasp and shared with humor. But it’s the sound codes from his voice that are literally life changing. We have no way of knowing how much longer Tom will teach and share his voice. I’ve been privately saying this for some years now, but it’s time to say it publicly. If you want to be in the room with Tom Kenyon, live, I’d take a good look at this schedule and see if something calls you.
In the Company of Angels
September 5th 2015
Manhattan, New York
This will be a deep immersion into the “spirit songs” and vibratory energies of the Angelic realms. Using his nearly four-octave range voice, Tom will channel songs of the “angelics” drawing from the world’s myriad understandings and ways for making contact with angels and other benevolent energy-beings. We will draw the healing and transformational energies emanated by these “celestial ones” into our bodies and minds for the purpose of profound personal transformation. This event promises to be a “watershed experience” due to the potency and high vibratory quality of the Angelic realms.
When: September 5th, 2015, 1:00PM – 6:00PM
Where: Peter Jay Sharp Theatre, Symphony Space, Manhattan, NY
Cost: $200
Pre-registration: Please note that the sale of tickets for this event is being handled solely and exclusively by the Symphony Space Box Office. To purchase a ticket for this unique event you can click on this link, or contact the Symphony Space Box Office Tuesday – Sunday, 1pm – 6pm via telephone: (212)-864-5400 or Fax: (212)-864-4551, or via email at
Please note that all tickets for this event are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Powers of Consciousness Training: The Siddhis
September 25th – 27th 2015
Orcas Island, Washington
The siddhis are yogic powers of consciousness that allow you to affect your world through unique spiritual abilities.
At a practical level, development of the lesser siddhis imparts increased mastery of everyday mental creations by developing an increased awareness of the subtler planes of awareness allowing you to be more masterful in your creations whatever they may be. At a spiritual level, the greater siddhis allow you to connect to the greater powers of the cosmos and to express these powers according to your own degree of awareness and development. Repeated experience with the siddhis meditation will increase both your spiritual development and awareness.
Training in the art of the siddhis has developed over the course of millennia as yogis and yoginis explored and implemented these highly unusual states of consciousness, and as a result there are many streams or spiritual lineages, as well as dogmas, regarding how the siddhis should be developed and how they should be imparted.
In this Training, Tom will be transmitting the siddhis meditation through the spiritual stream of Shri Ganesha, the Destroyer of Obstacles, as well as through Tom’s own direct experience of this meditation, which he has worked with through various spiritual traditions for the last thirty-eight years. While Ganesha will be the archetype through which the spiritual transmission of the siddhis will take place, this is not a Hindu practice, nor is it related to any religious understanding. In point of fact, Tom will be imparting the siddhis meditation through a combination of spiritually-based explorations and a discussion of neuropsychology, as it applies to meditative states of consciousness, communicated in a layperson friendly manner so that the greatest opportunity for learning is attained.
The siddhis meditation is a great boon to both beginners and advanced practitioners alike since it elevates your consciousness from where you naturally reside in the continuum of consciousness.
For those planning to attend this Training, it is suggested you read two articles in the Articles section of the website (, 1) The Siddhis and 2) Taoist Stillness Practices. It is also strongly suggested that you work with the Celestial or Heavenly Gate Meditation, as described in the Taoist Stillness Practices article, prior to attending the first class so that you have a stronger foundation for the work.
Important Notes:
It is vital that you have a good grasp of conversational English to take this class since some of the concepts are rather complex, and the transmission of the actual siddhis mediation is delivered through the use of bijas or vibrational–word-seeds, which are spoken in English.
This is the most intimate venue we use and Rosario Resort offers the only housing within walking distance. They offer a variety of space configurations, but space is limited. This waterfront location on Orcas Island is the ideal environment for the Siddhis and will not be available for a few years after this event. So, for many reasons, this workshop will not be taught again for a very long time. Early registration is strongly advised.
When: September 25th – 27th, 2015, daily 1 – 6, Sunday1 – 4
Where: Orcas Island, Washington
Cost: $795 (if pre-registered before August 25th, $895 after August 25th)
Pre-registration: Send a $300 non-refundable and non-transferable deposit made payable to Tom Kenyon, PO Box 98, Orcas, WA 98280
Contact: or 360-376-5781 and your call will be returned
Click here to download a Registration Form for this event. If you are unable to print the document, please include all the information that the form requests and include it with your deposit when you register. Confirmation of registration containing all necessary information is mailed or emailed upon receipt of registration.
The Spiral of Ascension: Entering Higher Dimensions
A Hathor Intensive
November 6th – 8th 2015
Seattle, Washington
Workshop is Full
Wait List Available email for details.
The exact details of this Intensive have not yet been determined as they will depend upon the increasingly volatile nature of world events. In other words, some aspects of this Intensive may change as the date of the event draws closer.
As part of this Intensive, the Hathors will explore what they call The Spiral of Ascension as it relates to your own unique personal embodied life in a world that has entered accelerated stages of transition and chaos.
Furthermore, they will be exploring what they call The Fifth Perception. This is a state of being in which you are aware of (and function successfully within) the confines of perceived time and space yet also operate outside these limitations. This shift in perception will allow you to be more creative and resourceful in your everyday life.
This is a significant alteration in consciousness that can open a threshold into the higher dimensional experiences of your life. Depending upon your personal history and beliefs, passing through this threshold of perception will allow you to enter the Fifth or higher dimensions of awareness at a practical level—meaning through direct personal experience and not just through ideas about higher dimensional realities. This pivotal and life changing adjustment in consciousness will be attained through the use of catalytic sound meditations that will connect you to dimensions of consciousness that are undefined and unrestricted by gravitational fields.
Early registration is strongly advised, as these events tend to fill quickly and often have a long waiting list.
When: November 6th – 8th, 2015, daily 1 – 6, Sunday 1 – 4
Where: Seattle, Washington
Cost: $495 (if pre-registered by October 6th 2015, $595 after October 6th 2015)
Pre-registration: Send a $200 non-refundable and non-transferable deposit made payable to Tom Kenyon, PO Box 98, Orcas, WA 98280
Contact: or 360-376-5781 and your call will be returned
Click here to download a Registration Form for this event. If you are unable to print the document, please include all the information that the form requests and include it with your deposit when you register. Confirmation of registration containing all necessary information is mailed or emailed upon receipt of registration.
Intuitive Sound Healing Training
For those of you who wish to study an intuitive approach to Sound Healing I am pleased to announce that my stepdaughter, Jennifer Posada, is offering an in-depth six-week online Intuitive Sound Healing Course that can be accessed from virtually anywhere in the world.
Jennifer is an extraordinary sound healer who changes lives for the better through her unique approach to sound healing. For detailed information about this Course, click here.